GeneMedi offer ready-to-use AAV helper plasmid that is optimized for recombinant Adeno-associated virus (rAAV) packaging, production, and manufacturing within the adenovirus (Adv) helper virus-free system.

The GeneMedi AAV helper plasmid vector contains a mini adenovirus genome that is necessary for recombinant AAV (rAAV) packaging regardless of AAV Rep and Cap genes1,2. The genes consisting mini adenovirus genome in the AAV helper plasmid are described as below:
1. The adenovirus E4 gene for AAV DNA replication
2. The adenovirus E2a gene and adenovirus VA RNA (virus-associated RNA ) genes: enhancing AAV mRNA stability, facilitating AAV gene translation, especially for AAV Capsids transcripts.

Map and sequence of AAV Helper Plasmid

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1. Matsushita, T. et al. Adeno-associated virus vectors can be efficiently produced without helper virus. Gene Therapy 5, 938-945, doi:10.1038/ (1998). Download article PDF
2. Xiao, X., Li, J. & Samulski, R. J. Production of High-Titer Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors in the Absence of Helper Adenovirus. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 72, 2224-2232 (1998). Download article PDF