Author Archives: shanzhu

Main elements of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC): Linker (cleavable/non-cleavable, structure and mechanism)

Table2. Chemical triggers Conjugate linker is not only the molecular part forming covalent connection between antibody and small molecule payload, but also the key element with design properties in targeted drug therapy. The addition of linkers should not induce aggregation, and it is necessary to ensure acceptable PK characteristics, limit the premature release (stability) of […]

Main elements of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC): Antibodies and their targets

1. Mylotarg® (gemtuzumab ozogamicin) from Wyeth/Pfizer was the first ADC to reach the market. It is composed of a recombinant humanized anti-CD33 mAb (IgG4κ antibody hP67.6) covalently attached to a calicheamicin derived payload (N-acetyl-γ-calicheamicin 1,2-dimethyl hydrazine dichloride) via a pH-sensitive hydrazone linker. 2. Adcetris® (brentuximab vedotin) from Seagen (formerly Seattle Genetics), containing a CD30-specific mAb conjugated to […]

Antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) in clinical application (Approved/BLA, phaseI/II/III)

FDA approved Antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) for clinical use Clinically, most of the ADC drugs approved by FDA are IgG1, and the targets are CD33, CD22, HER2 and so on. The most common payload is MMAE, also contains calicheamicin, DM1. ADC drugs are mainly used in the field of antitumor, which is one of the hot […]

What is antibody-drug conjugate (ADC)?

The structure of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) ADC consists of antibodies and payload, linker connects antibodies and small molecule drugs. After ADC drugs enter the blood, its antibody part will recognize and bind to the surface antigen of target cells. Theninternalizing ADC antigen complex into cells through endocytosis, the complex will be degraded by lysosomes and […]

Anthrax protective antigen (PA) neutralizing antibodies (NAb)

Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax. The protective antigen is an important element of the anthrax toxin. It helps bacteria to transfer the enzymatic components into the host cell, through the formation spanning pore on the membrane. antibiotics are effective at the early stages of anthrax, but antibiotics are no longer effective with […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for biologics testing: Streptavidin (SA), Staphylococcus protein A (SPA)

Full List Download The biological agent such as streptavidin and staphylococcus protein A have an important role in biochemical research because of its ability to bind biotin and immunoglobulins respectively. GENEMEDI produces core diagnostic ingredients such as streptavidin, staphylococcus protein A and so on for the biochemical research. Classification: Streptavidin (SA) Staphylococcus protein A (SPA)

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for multiple disease testing: thioredoxin reductase (TrxR)

Thioredoxin (Trx) and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) plus NADPH, comprising the thioredoxin system, has a large number of functions in DNA synthesis, defense against oxidative stress and apoptosis or redox signaling with reference to many diseases such as cancer, viral disease, ischaemia– reperfusion injury, cardiac conditions, aging, premature birth and newborn physiology. GENEMEDI produces core diagnostic […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for Neurodegenerative diseases testing: Phospho-tau181 (p-tau181), Phospho-tau217 (p-tau217), tau proteins (Tau), neurofilament light chain (NFL), neurofilament protein (AD7c-NTP)

Neurodegenerative diseases refer to the injury or dysfunction of one or more nerves, which results in numbness, tingling, muscle weakness and discomfort in the nerves affected part. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease most often characterized by initial memory impairment and cognitive decline that can ultimately affect behavior, speech, visuospatial orientation and the […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for Fibrinogen disorders testing: Fibrinogen (FIB)

Fibrinogen disorders are a set of hereditary or acquired abnormalities in the quantity and/or quality of circulating fibrinogens. The disorders may lead to pathological bleeding and/or blood clotting or the deposition of fibrinogen in the liver, kidneys, or other organs and tissues. These disorders include Congenital afibrinogenemia, Congenital hypofibrinogenemia, Fibrinogen storage disease, Congenital dysfibrinogenemia, Hereditary […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for Vitamin deficiency testing: folic acid (FA), vitamin D binding protein (VDBP)

Vitamin deficiency is the condition of a long-term lack of a vitamin. Vitamin deficiency caused by insufficient intake of vitamin is classified as a primary deficiency, whereas vitamin deficiency due to an underlying disorder such as malabsorption is called as a secondary deficiency. Vitamin deficiencies can be detected in several ways. GENEMEDI produces core diagnostic […]