Category Archives: Diagnostics

Veterinary diagnostics antibodies and antigens for animal health test kit, animal infectious diseases diagnostics and veterinary/Zoonotic diagnostic laboratory in ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA),turbidimetric inhibition immuno assay (TINIA) and POCT

Full product list: Ruminants, Companion animal, Swine, Equine, Avian, Fish, Multiple Species Livestock, poultry, and aquaculture are among the fastest growing and expanding agriculture sectors to fulfill the need of the growing population of humans. However, the growth in this sector is under the continuous increasing threats of infectious diseases worldwide. This menace is further […]

Anti-small molecules (Chemicals, Antibiotics£¬Mycotoxins,etc.) antibodies and small molecules competitive antigens (Carrier-coupled antigen, immunogen, hapten-carrier conjugates, BSA-conjugated, OVA-conjugated), competitive ELISA validated

Full List Download Competitive immunoassay-validated anti-Hapten (small molecules, chemicals) antibody against hapten (small molecules, chemicals) and hapten-carrier conjugated competitive antigens(Carrier-coupled antigen,immunogen,hapten-carrier conjugates, BSA-conjugated, OVA-conjugated). The anti-Hapten antibodies against haptens had been validated with our hapten-carrier conjugates via competitive ELISA test. GeneMedi offers paired anti-small molecules (Chemicals, Antibiotics,Mycotoxins,Hormones,Drugs of Abuse, etc.) antibodies (monoclonal antibody, mab) and […]

Potency Validated COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody, Anti-2019-nCoV Spike (Spike RBD domain) monoclonal neutralizing antibody (human IgG1, human IgM, human IgA, mouse IgG1 and Cynomolgus (Non human primate, NHP) IgG1)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is caused by SARS-CoV-2 (SARS2, 2019-nCoV) infection, a newly emerged novel coronavirus spreading worldwide. Current efforts are focusing on development of specific antiviral drugs. Therapeutic neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against SARS-CoV-2(SARS2, 2019-nCoV) will be greatly important therapeutic agents for the treatment of COVID-19. The availability of therapeutic NAbs against SARS-CoV-2 will […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for functional ELISA assay kit, lateral flow and other immunoassays in diagnostics

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens list In vitro diagnostic (IVD) testing has become an indispensable tool in clinical practice for diagnosing and monitoring of diseases, as well as providing prognosis and predicting treatment response, In vitro tests may be done in laboratories, health care facilities or even in the home. The tests themselves can be performed […]

Protocol of SARS-CoV2 (2019nCoV) Spike-RBD antibodies standard biopanning and competitive biopanning

Protocol Download Standard biopanning 1. S-RBD was diluted with 0.05 M PH 9.6 carbonate buffer [1]. Then add 100 μL to each well of 96-well Maxisorp plates at 4°C overnight. 2. Aspirate the solution in the well and wash each well three times with Wash Buffer [2] (300 μL/well). Complete removal of liquid at each step is essential […]

Protocol of SARS-CoV2 (2019nCoV) NP paired antibodies sandwich ELISA

Protocol Download 1. The Capture Antibody #1 was diluted to a concentration of 1 ~ 10 ug/ml with 0.05 M PH 9.6 carbonate buffer [1]. Then add 100 μL to each well of polystyrene plate at 4℃ overnight. 2. Aspirate the solution in the well and wash each well three times with Wash Buffer [2] (300 μL/well). Complete removal of […]

Detection Antibody HRP labeling For diagnostics application (ELISA)

Protocol Download 1. Dissolve 5mg HRP in 1ml distilled water. 2. Add 200 μL of 0.1M NalO4 solution [1] (freshly prepared just before use) to the solution obtained in step 1 and stirred for 20 minutes at room temperature. Protect from light. 3. Put the solution obtained in step 2 into a dialysis bag and dialyzed with […]

Protocol of SARS-CoV-2 Pseudovirus (PSV)-Based Neutralization Assay For Vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, peptides and compounds against COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 (2019nCoV) pseudotype virus (pseudovirus, PSV) for COVID-19 related vaccines and neutralizing antibodies evaluation. The outbreak of COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV), has been a global public health threat and caught the worldwide concern. Due to its high pathogenicity and infectivity1, live SARS-CoV-2 should be handled under biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) conditions. GeneMedi has developed […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for food safety testing in mycotoxin and chemical contamination

Full List Download Competitive immunoassay-validated anti-Hapten (small molecules, chemicals) antibody against hapten (small molecules, chemicals) and hapten-carrier conjugated competitive antigens(Carrier-coupled antigen,immunogen,hapten-carrier conjugates, BSA-conjugated, OVA-conjugated). The anti-Hapten antibodies against haptens had been validated with our hapten-carrier conjugates via competitive ELISA test. GeneMedi offers paired anti-small molecules (Chemicals, Antibiotics,Mycotoxins,Hormones,Drugs of Abuse, etc.) antibodies (monoclonal antibody, mab) and […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for cardiovascular diseases biomarkers testing

Full List Download Cardiovascular diseases are a group of disorders that occur in the heart and blood vessels and are the world’s leading cause of death. In vitro diagnostic (IVD) assays for detecting cardiac markers are essential tools to help treat or prevent CVD. Several protein markers are released into the blood when the heart is […]