Category Archives: gene therapy

Tissue-specific Cre mouse + AAV-DIO-GOI for tissue-specific gene overexpression |-GeneMedi

View Knowledge Base – Cre-loxp system and Viral vector (AAV and adenovirus)-based Cre tools (AAV-Cre and Ad-Cre)>> Product list: Cre/loxP tools in AAV vector(AAV-Cre), adenoviral vector(Ad-Cre) and lentiviral vector(Lv-Cre) Abstract Cre-loxP system is widely used in the field of biosciences, especially in the generation of genetically engineered mice (knockout or overexpression), enabling researchers to study […]

 Inducible-tissue specific Cre-loxP system for in vivo and in vitro study

View Knowledge Base – Cre-loxp system and Viral vector (AAV and adenovirus)-based Cre tools (AAV-Cre and Ad-Cre)>> Product list: Cre/loxP tools in AAV vector(AAV-Cre), adenoviral vector(Ad-Cre) and lentiviral vector(Lv-Cre) Abstract Cre-loxP system is widely used in the field of biosciences, especially in the generation of genetically engineered mice (knockout or overexpression), enabling researchers to study […]

Landscape of in vitro cell transfection and in vivo transfection (siRNA transfection,DNA/plasmid transfection, nanoparticle transfecton, electroporation, transfection protocol and so on)

Transfection protocol Download Introduction of transfection In general, transfection is the process of delivering nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA into eukaryotic cells, resulting in the expression or production of proteins or down-regulation of the targeted protein. Although not very common, protein transfection is also used to promote the rapid expression of target protein […]

Lentivirus FAQs

Lentivirus FAQs 1. What is a Lentivirus? Lentivirus is a subfamily of the retrovirus family. Lentiviruses can deliver significant amounts of genetic information into host cells and integrate it into the cellular genome. Genetically-engineered lentiviruses are therefore used as one of the most efficient tools of gene delivery.These lentiviruses contain a viral promoter which is […]

AAV Vector System (AAV packaging and expression system)

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV vector system (AAV expression system, AAV packaging plasmid system)-Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV Vector System, also named AAV expression system or AAV packaging plasmid system, is powerful tool for in-vivo gene delivery, gene editing and gene therapy. You can easily produce recombinant AAV (rAAV) paticle in 293T cell line […]

AAV-LC3 production service for Autophagy Flux Detection

customized AAV production Customize Option Autophagy Flux detection vector GM-AAVPAU01: AAV-CMV-mRFP-GFP-LC3GM-AAVPAU02: AAV-CMV-GFP-LC3 AAV Packaging Serotype AAV1, AAV2, AAV2 variant (Y444F), AAV2 variant (Y272F, Y444F, Y500F, Y730F), AAV2 variant (Y444F, Y730F, Y500F, Y272F, Y704F, Y252F), AAV2 variant (AAV2.7m8), AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, AAV8-1m, AAV8-2m, AAV8 variant (Y733F, Y447F, Y275), AAV9, AAV-Rh.10, AAV-DJ, AAV-DJ/8, AAV-Retro, AAV-PHP.B, AAV-PHP.eB, AAV-PHPS, […]

Viral Vector System For gene transduction

Introduction to Virus Packaging System Plasmids Hgher titer and easier purification process with GeneMedi’s viral vector systems for gene transduction. The gene transduction system including AAV system, adenovirus system and lentivirus system. AAV vector system (AAV expression system, AAV packaging plasmid system)-Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV Vector System, also named AAV expression system or AAV packaging plasmid […]

Pre-made biosensors & Organelle Bioprobe in adenovirus & AAV vector

Pre-made biosensors & Organelle Bioprobe in adenovirus & AAV vector Note: mTurquoise is a monomeric cyan fluorescent protein with an excitation peak of 434nm and an emission peak of 474nm. It is an artificial derivative of the naturally occurring fluorescent protein encoded by the Aequorea victoria GFP gene (UniProtKB:P42212), derived by mutagenesis of SCFP3A, and is characterized […]

Organelle Probe Adenovirus

Introduction to Organelle Probe Adenovirus Recombinant adenovirus (Adenovirus), a replication-defective adenoviral vector system, is widely used for gene delivery in most cell types. The adenoviral vectors provided by Genemedi are based on human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5), which is replication-incompetent (-E1/-E3) and can’t be integrated into host genome, guaranteeing the security for subsequent operations. Adenovirus […]