Category Archives: gene therapy


Selected Publications using Genemed’s Adenovirus Products/Services Publications Link to the article Products/Services T. Yu, ‘Fusobacterium Nucleatum Promotes Chemoresistance to Colorectal Cancer by Modulating Autophagy’, Cell, 170 (2017), 548-63 e16. Adenovirus X. J. Zhang, ‘An Alox12-12-Hete-Gpr31 Signaling Axis Is a Key Mediator of Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury’, Nat Med, 24 (2018), 73-83. Adenovirus […]

AAV Helper plasmid (AAV adenovirus helper plasmid) map, sequence and production service

AAV Helper Plasmid AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV Helper Plasmid – Introduction GeneMedi offer ready-to-use AAV helper plasmid that is optimized for recombinant Adeno-associated virus (rAAV) packaging, production, and manufacturing within the adenovirus (Adv) helper virus-free system. The GeneMedi AAV helper plasmid vector contains a mini adenovirus genome that is necessary for […]

Adenovirus vector system (adenovirus expression system, adenovirus packaging plasmid system)

Adenovirus protocol Download Adenovirus User Manual Download Introduction to Adenovirus vector system GeneMedi’s adenovirus Vector System, also named the adenovirus expression system or adenovirus packaging plasmid system, is a powerful tool for in-vitro & in-vivo gene delivery, shRNA mediated RNA interference (RNAi) and gene editing. You can easily recombine produce a recombinant adenovirus (r-AdV) particle in HEK293 or HEK293A cell line […]

AAV Rep-Cap plasmids (serotypes-specific AAV RC plasmids)

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV Rep-Cap plasmids (serotypes-specific AAV RC plasmids) – Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV Rep-Cap plasmids (serotype-specific AAV RC plasmids), also named AAV-RC plasmid, or AAV-RC plasmid, is part of AAV Vector System. You can produce AAV paticle in 293T cell line in high titer using GeneMedi’s AAV Rep-Cap plasmid with […]

Autophagy Biosensors

Introduction-LC3 Autophagy Biosensors Autophagy is a highly regulated homeostatic degradative process where cells destroy their own components via the lysosomal machinery and recycle them. This process plays both protective and deleterious roles in many diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, aging, cancer, infection and Crohn’s disease. Elucidating the correlation between autophagy and apoptotic cell death has become […]

Lipogene™ Transfection reagent FAQs

Q1. Are cell density (% confluence) and passage number important considerations for transfection? A: Yes, cell density is an important parameter in influencing transfection efficiency. If the seeding density is too low, some cytotoxicity may be observed. If the cell density is high, lower than expected transfection efficiency may be observed. Both issues may be […]


How can I choose the optimal AAV serotypes for my in vivo study? Genemedi has launched a comprehensive AAV production service. More than 12 AAV serotypes and a variety of capsid engineered AAV vectors are available for targeting different tissues and organs. Different AAV serotypes have different tissue tropism in vivo, the common serotypes and […]


Selected Publications using Genemed’s AAV Products/Services Publications Link to the article Products/Services H. Zhu, et. al, ‘Moderate Uv Exposure Enhances Learning and Memory by Promoting a Novel Glutamate Biosynthetic Pathway in the Brain’, Cell, 173 (2018), 1716-27 e17 AAV virus H. Yang et. al, ‘Laterodorsal Tegmentum Interneuron Subtypes Oppositely Regulate Olfactory Cue-Induced Innate Fear’, […]

Adeno-Associated Virus(AAV) Gene Therapy Landscape

Adeno-Associated Virus(AAV) Gene Therapy Landscape Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are virus particles composed of single-stranded DNA surrounded by a protein shell. Despite their simple structure, recombinant AAVs (rAAV) can perform the important role of delivering nucleic acids into cells during gene therapy. Due to the high demand for potentially curative treatments in areas of huge unmet […]