Category Archives: gene therapy

AAV Vector System (AAV Vector System)

AAV protocol Download Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) a) Introduction of rAAV vector system Though wild-type AAV is not associated with human disease, it is naturally defective and requiring helper adenovirus or herpes simplex virus (HSV) coinfection for AAV replication, so recombinant AAV (rAAV) has been an attractive vector for gene therapy. In 1984, rAAV was […]

AAV serotypes and AAV Tissue-specific Tropism

AAV protocol Download Adeno Associated Virus (AAV)  Over the past decades, numerous AAV serotypes have been identified with variable tropism. To date, 12 AAV serotypes and over 100 AAV variants have been isolated from adenovirus stocks or human/nonhuman primate tissues. Among them, AAV2, AAV3, AAV5, AAV6 were discovered in human cells, while AAV1, AAV4, AAV7, […]

Advantages and Drawbacks of Lentivirus Vector-mediated Gene Delivery

Lentivirus Protocol Download a) Advantages of lentivirus -mediated gene delivery Lentivirus has been developed as an attractive candidate for creating viral vectors for gene therapy due to various advantages.1) Customized cloning for any other gene ORF expression, shRNA/miRNA and CRISPR/Cas9.2) No known immunogenic proteins generated.3) High titer. 108TU/ml or 109TU/ml lentiviral titer for cell line […]

Lentivirus Gene Therapy

Lentivirus Protocol Download Lentivirus has been proved as an excellent gene therapy vector. To date, more than 236 clinical trials have been carried out using lentivirus vectors for gene delivery [4], and promising gene therapy outcomes from recombinant lentivirus have been achieved from clinical trials for a great number of diseases (Table 1), especially for […]

What is Lentivirus

Lentivirus Protocol Download Lentivirus (lente-, Latin for “slow”) is a genus of retroviruses, causing chronic and deadly diseases by long incubation periods in human or other mammalian species [1]. The virion is a medium-sized (80-100nm) and enveloped, slightly pleomorphic, spherical with an isometric nucleocapsid containing two copies of positive-sense ssRNA genome. Most lentiviral vectors are […]

Adenovirus – Production/Packaging Protocol, Guidelines

Adenovirus protocol Download Adenovirus Production Protocol–Genemedi 1. Adenovirus plasmid construction The gene of interest is cloned into one of the ITR/MCS-containing adenovirus vectors to generate pAd -GOI. The purity and RNA contaminants of viral plasmid should be taken into consideration. 2. Adenovirus packaging The recombinant adenovirus viral plasmid pAd-GOI is co-transfected into the 293A with […]

Adenovirus Vector Transduction -Adenovirus vector Gene Delivery in vitro and in vivo

Adenovirus protocol Download Adenovirus Infection Protocol in vitro and in vivo a. Adenovirus Infection Protocol–Genemedi For the reason that MOI varies in different cell lines, preliminary experiment is necessary to ensure a proper MOI of target cells before conducting formal experiments.Note: MOI, multiplicity of infection, is the number of viral particles to infect one cell. […]