Author Archives: lwj

Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) cTNT Expression Vector (AAV cTNT expression plasmid) | Reporters Optional: GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV cTNT Expression Vector – Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV cTNT expression vector is inserted with a promoters for chicken cardiac tromonin T (cTNT) to drive gene overexpression. You can contact Genemedi for your unique reporter including GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase. The cTNT promoter is a heart/cardiomyocytes-specific protomer […]

Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) GFAP Expression Vector (AAV GFAP expression plasmid) | Reporters Optional: GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV GFAP Expression Vector – Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV GFAP expression vector is inserted with a human U6 (hU6) promoter to drive shRNA expression for RNA interference (RNAi) – mediated gene knockdown (KD). You can contact Genemedi for your unique reporter including GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry, or luciferase. The […]

Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) CamKII Expression Vector (AAV CamKII expression plasmid) | Reporters Optional: GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV CamKII Expression Vector – Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV CamKII expression vector is inserted with a promoter for Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CamKII ) to drive gene overexpression.You can contact Genemedi for your unique reporter including GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase. The CamKII promoter is a […]

Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) CAG Expression Vector (AAV CAG expression plasmid) | Reporters Optional: GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV CAG Expression Vector – Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV CAG expression vector is inserted with a promoter for The CMV early enhancer/chicken beta actin (CAG) to drive gene overexpression. You can contact Genemedi for your unique reporter including GFP,zsgreen,RFP,mcherry,or luciferase. The CAG promoter is a strong protomer driven broad […]

Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) Syn Expression Vector (AAV Syn expression plasmid) | Reporters Optional: GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV Syn Expression Vector – Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV Syn expression vector is inserted with a promoter for human synapsin I (hSyn1) to drive gene overexpression. You can contact Genemedi for your unique reporter including GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase. The Syn promoter is a neuron-specific protomer driven […]

Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) CMV Expression Vector (AAV CMV expression plasmid) | Reporters Optional: GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase

AAV protocol Download AAV User Manual Download AAV CMV Expression Vector – Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV CMV expression vector is inserted with a promoter for cytomegalovirus (CMV) to drive gene overexpression. You can contact Genemedi for your unique reporter including GFP, zsgreen, RFP, mcherry or luciferase. The CMV promoter is a strong protomer driven broad expression […]

Adenovirus Control Prodcution

Introduction to Adenovirus Control Prodcution Recombinant adenovirus (Adenovirus), a replication-defective adenoviral vector system, is widely used for gene delivery in most cell types. The adenoviral vectors provided by Genemedi are based on human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5), which is replication-incompetent (-E1/-E3) and can’t be integrated into host genome, guaranteeing the security for subsequent operations. Adenovirus […]

Recombinant Antibody Production Service (monoclonal antibody, bispecific, nanobody/VHH expression)

LIBRA AbPro™-Recombinant Antibody Production Service Recombinant Antibody Production Service Based on the LIBRA™ antibody engineering platform, GeneMedi now provides antibody production services. In cooperation with the GM-LIBRA antibody expression group to achieve your antibody entities with high-throughout, high-quality, scalable, and state-of-the-Art Manufacturing. Recombinant antibodies can be produced in various formats, including full-length, scFv, Fab, sdAb/VHH, […]

Viral vector-based vaccine; DNA-based vaccine; RNA based vaccine – A landscape for vaccine technology against infectious disease, COVID-19 and tumor.

COVID-19 vaccine development protocol: PSV Based Neutralization Assay DNA based vaccines Traditionally, vaccines are prepared with killed or attenuated viruses or bacteria, which might have serious security issues for the development of HIV vaccines. Additionally, vector-based vaccines may induce anti-vector immunity, which might interfere the immune responses provoked by vaccines [113]. Thus, DNA vaccines were […]

 Inducible-tissue specific Cre-loxP system for in vivo and in vitro study

View Knowledge Base – Cre-loxp system and Viral vector (AAV and adenovirus)-based Cre tools (AAV-Cre and Ad-Cre)>> Product list: Cre/loxP tools in AAV vector(AAV-Cre), adenoviral vector(Ad-Cre) and lentiviral vector(Lv-Cre) Abstract Cre-loxP system is widely used in the field of biosciences, especially in the generation of genetically engineered mice (knockout or overexpression), enabling researchers to study […]