Author Archives: shanzhu

Products & Information Collection of New variant SARS-COV-2 (2019nCOV) -The double mutant variant B.1.617 lineage, S:E484Q+L452R (India)

The world is in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently A new “double mutant” variant of the coronavirus has been detected from samples collected in India. The two mutations (E484Q and L452R mutations) come together in the same virus, may be more infectious or less affected by vaccines.1 GeneMedi pseudotype virus (pseudovirus) of SARS-COV-2 (2019nCOV) […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for deer disease testing

Managing the deer population is essential to maintaining or improving forest health. It plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, providing food for large predators such as gray wolves (Canis lupis), cougars (Puma concolor), bobcats (Lynx rufus), and coyotes (Canis latrans). They feed primarily on grasses, herbaceous plants, fruits, and legumes and are active throughout […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for Caprine/Goat disease testing

Goats are important domestic animals in many parts of the world. They provide substance in the form of food and clothing. The rising demand for goat meat, milk, and cheese offers commercial goat production opportunities. Goats are also a source of immediate income. The management of goat health is a critical aspect for improving goat […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for Ovines/Sheep disease testing

A sound management program to keep animals healthy is basic to production of both sheep and goats. Producers must observe animals closely to keep individual animals and the whole herd or flock healthy and productive. To recognize clinical signs of diseases common to sheep and goats, it is important to be familiar with what is […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for bovines/cattle infectious and non-infectious disease testing

Cattle diseases cost millions of money losses every year. In addition to death, they cause loss of production and frequently a loss of body condition. Unhealthy animals require more food and take longer time for growth than healthy ones. Generally, animals are born free of diseases or parasites. But they usually acquire these diseases either […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for rabbit infectious disease and non-infectious testing

Rabbits are perhaps the most popular small mammals kept as pets. They make great companions and can live a dozen or more years when they are cared for properly. However, they do commonly develop a few illnesses and infection that all rabbit owners should be aware to prevent the disease. The most common diseases of […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for cat/feline infectious and non-infectious disease testing

Cats are credited with promoting socialization among older individuals and physically or mentally disabled people. Research has shown that cats can provide emotional support, improve moods, and contribute to the overall morale of their owners. Although cats are great companions, cat owners should be aware that sometimes cats can carry harmful germs that can cause […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for dog/canine infectious and non-infectious disease testing

Dogs are the best friends, and most human keep pets for its ompanionship. Dogs need a proper space, diet and health care for their healthy life. However, sometimes the dogs are affected by the different infectious diseases such as amyloidosis, anaplasmosis, anemia, intestinal infection, canine cyclic thrombocytopenia, canine herpes, canine infectious tracheobronchitis, canine parvovirus infection, […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for multiple animal disease testing

Animal disease outbreaks have been shown to cause major economic losses over the centuries. Several diseases such as walking pneumonia, anaplasmosis, aspergilloma, athlete’s foot, babesiosis, bacteremia, brucellosis, campylobacteriosis, candidemia, candidiasis, cellulitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, clostridial enterotoxicosis, clostridiosis, colitis, cryptosporidiosis, dermatophytosis, diarrhoea, endocarditis, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, esophagitis, foot and mouth disease, fungal infection of nail, jock itch, […]

Diagnostic antibodies and antigens for avian disease testing

Infectious diseases continue to threaten the sustainability, productivity and growth of the poultry industry worldwide and some present a risk to public health. Many are also present in wild bird populations, with the potential to spill over into domestic birds. The avian infectious disease cause huge economic loss in poultry production and are of great […]