Category Archives: COVID19

Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 variant

This briefing provides an update on previous briefings up to 1 April 2021 Summary • There are 4 variants of concern and 7 variants under investigation (Table 1). VOC-20DEC-01 (B.1.1.7) remains predominant in the UK. Other variants of concern and variants under investigation remain a very low proportion of the available sequence data. VUI-21APR-01 (B.1.617.1) […]

Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 variant

This briefing provides an update on previous briefings up to 11 March 2021 Summary • There are 4 variants of concern and 6 variants under investigation (Table 1). Definitions for variants of concern, variants under investigation and signals in monitoring have been updated. VOC-20DEC-01 (B.1.1.7) remains predominant. Other variants of concern and variants under investigation […]

Products & Information Collection of New variant SARS-COV-2 (2019nCOV) -The delta variant B.1.617.2 lineage

The world is in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously known as B.1.617.2, the variant was first discovered in India in February, where it contributed to a horrific wave of infections which started in the spring: The Economist estimates that there have been more than 1m covid deaths in India this year. The delta variant […]

Protocol and Data Sheet of COVID-19

Application Product Protocol Download Post Download NP antibody pair validation N002 NP antibody NP Antibody Sandwich Elisa GeneMedi’s SARS-CoV-2 NP Antibody Pair And Stability Validation with NP antigen In Sandwich ELISA Pseudovirus (PSV) Based Cell Entry PSV 293T-hACE2-01 Protocol of SARS-CoV-2 Pseudovirus(PSV)-Based Neutralization Assay 1. Validation of hACE2 overexpressionstable HEK293T cell lines 2. Genemedi-sars-cov-2 pseudovirus(psv) […]

Products & Information Collection of New variant SARS-COV-2 (2019nCOV) -Omicron variant aka B.1.1.529 lineage

Data Post Download The world is in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021. This variant has a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning. Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant, as compared to other […]

Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern 2021/03 T9

Technical briefing 9 This briefing provides an update on previous briefings up to 1 April 2021 Summary • There are 4 variants of concern and 7 variants under investigation (Table 1). VOC-20DEC-01 (B.1.1.7) remains predominant in the UK. Other variants of concern and variants under investigation remain a very low proportion of the available sequence […]

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England

Technical briefing 8 This briefing provides an update on previous briefings up to 11 March 2021 Summary • There are 4 variants of concern and 6 variants under investigation (Table 1). Definitions for variants of concern, variants under investigation and signals in monitoring have been updated. VOC-20DEC-01 (B.1.1.7) remains predominant. Other variants of concern and […]

EMA COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2(2019nCoV) studies for approval guidance

Table of Contents The European Medicines Agency (EMA) needs many detailed studies to confirm that a vaccine is safe, provides adequate protection and is of suitable quality. As a public-health body safeguarding medicines in the European Union (EU), EMA will only approve a vaccine for COVID-19 after a thorough evalutation demonstrating the same high standards of quality, safety […]

Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 variant Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 variant Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern 202012/01

Variant of Concern 202012/01Technical briefing 3 Nomenclature of variants in the UK SARS-CoV-2 variants if considered to have concerning epidemiological, immunological or pathogenic properties are raised for formal investigation. At this point they are designated Variant Under Investigation (VUI) with a year, month, and number. Following risk assessment with the relevant expert committee, they may […]

Spike mutant variant of SARS-COV-2 (2019nCOV) 501Y.V2 lineage(B.1.351) spread in South Africa

The world is in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently a new SARS-CoV-2 (2019nCOV) lineage (501Y.V2,, B.1.351), characterised by eight lineage-defining mutations in the spike protein (excluding D614G mutation), including three at important residues in the receptor-binding domain (K417N, E484K and N501Y), represents increased transmissibility. This lineage emerged in South Africa and spread rapidly, becoming […]